March 13, 2025

The novel coronavirus pandemic of 2020 (and counting) has turned the whole world upside down. The social distancing and work from home scenario have made it impossible for us to meet anyone new and expand our social circles. The ‘new normal’ situation has made it a challenge to meet new people. However, as they say, where there is a will, there is a way! Indian social media sites like WebSmyle has made it possible for us to interact with like-minded individuals and be friends with them. How can you do that? Let’s find out!

Indian Friends Online Community

Top Ways to Make New Friends in an Online Community

The first and foremost thing you have to do is step out of your comfort zone and create an account on social media! Next up, remember that social media isn’t what it was even a year back, so it is time to use it skillfully. Now that you’re on social media, let’s take a look at the few things you can do to make new friends on that platform:


  1. Join a Community: The best way to make new friends with who you would gel well is by being part of an online community founded by like-minded individuals. This way, forming connections with the other members would be extremely easy. Try to look for a smaller community, to begin with, so that you don’t get lost in the crowd.
  2. Create a Rich Personal Profile: Your online profile is a reflection of who you are as a person, and you should never forget that. Depending on the community you’re about to enter, your profile should show that your interests align, otherwise you might be denied entry. Update a quick bio, add pictures, and mention your likes/dislikes.
  3. Strike a Conversation: While being online is the first step, you need to converse with other individuals to build a connection. Strike up a conversation regarding a subject that matters to both of you, engage in their posts, and try to take things slow from there. Do not immediately visit their personal text chain and spam them. Take your time, understand the person, and only then go ahead.
  4. Attend Online Events: Given the current situation, you really cannot expect any physical events to take place. Even more so, visiting those physical events might expose you to the virus. To keep in touch with people from the community and build interaction, the hosts often come up with online events. Well, now is the time for you to shine. Attend those events and discuss the same with the others in the group. With time, you can also organize your own events within the community.
  5. Be Patient: Nothing in the world is instant (apart from instant coffee or noodles, of course), and you need to be extremely patient to build a connection. Replies might not come immediately, and responses may take a lot of time. Being patient in this situation will help others know you’re something they might vibe with and build your trustworthiness.

Conclusion: Last, but not least, you need to stay active within your community. As you build new friendships, you need to stay in contact with them regularly so that your name doesn’t fade away in oblivion. WebSmyle is a social networking platform that hosts a wide range of Indian friends online communities that can help you connect with like-minded individuals. If you’re interested, you can feel free to check out the website right away!

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